Romance Writer's Weekly
Today's question for Romance Writer's Weekly as us to bravely describe a date gone bad. One particular bad comes to mine. I used to work...

Romance Writer's Weekely
This week's questions are..... Which type of character do you prefer writing about: Sexy, romantic, sweet, quirky, mean, old, young,...

Romance Writer's Weekly Blog Hop
Hi again and welcome back. Here are this week's questions: Was there a defining moment in your life when you knew you were going to...

Romance Writer's Weekly Blog Hop!
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my new blog page and website. Please be patient as I learn how to navigate this new site, but please feel free...
Maybe this will help explain....
I'm trying to figure out my new website so I'm going to create another blog and hope that this sticks. Many days since my great loss, I...
First Blog on my new Website
Welcome to my first blog today. I'm spending most of the day setting up this new website and I was lead to believe it will be super easy....
This is the title of your first video post
To create your first video blog post, click here and select 'Add & Edit Posts' > All Posts > This is the title of your first video post....