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Romance Writer's Weekely

This week's questions are.....

Which type of character do you prefer writing about: Sexy, romantic, sweet, quirky, mean, old, young, smart, silly or other?

All of my Hero's have a side to them where they are sweet, kind, giving and not ashamed to show their soft side. All of my heroines have a spunky and sometimes strong independent side to them. They complement each other. I'd like a good combination of both Alpha and Beta quality in a males.

Have you ever killed off (or gotten back at) an ex in your writing? On paper, of course.

I've gotten back at an ex or people that have irritated me to no end, of course. We all know "those" people and what better way to salve your wounded ego than to write them in a horrible image? In a writer's mind horrible, horrible things can be done to them that can't be done in real life <evil grin>.

What hobbies do you have that you incorporate in your writing? I used to love to dance and in some of my books, I'll make my characters dance together. There's something very sweet about sharing a slow dance with someone. In one of my books, "All Aboard", I paired my heroine, who writes articles for a travel magazine with her sexy orthopedic surgeon.

Thanks for stopping by my portion of the blog hop. Be sure to hop on over to my pal, Ronnie Allen's page to see how she answers these very same questions.

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