Romance Writer's Weekly Blog Hop!

Hi Everyone!
Welcome to my new blog page and website. Please be patient as I learn how to navigate this new site, but please feel free to browse around and let me know what you think.
This week's three questions and answers are are follows:
You’re moving right along with a storyline and suddenly it takes an unexpected twist. Do you go with the flow and follow where the twist leads you or do you conform your story to your way?
Good question! This actually happens to me a lot but only one other time did it actually scare me. I wrote this a book about an escaped convict who was framed for an armed robbery by his deceased, identical twin. My convict was, of course innocent, but he was captured on surveillance camera committing the crime and by reason on default, becuase his twin was allegedly dead. (Did you know that even though identical twins are identical in almost every way possible, except through finger prints? That's because each baby's movements in the womb are different and those moves (hand motions, waves) and instrumental in creating patterns, or prints on the finger tips. Learned that as part of my research for this book. Anyway, so my story is following the pattern that saw fit when I sat down to write it, only the evil twin starts haunting me every night I try to fall asleep. He starts telling me, "LaNora, I know you have to bring me into this story so why not make my brother, who is the good one, really turn out to be the evil one. Let me really mess with her mind and let's do a double reverse, reverse, reverse." It scared the hell out of me because deep down, I knew it would make for a better read, but that is not what I envisioned when I mentally mapped out the story because I kind of like my writing to be more on the neat side of fiction. After talking with my good friend, JJ Devine, she convinced me to step out of my comfort zone and I did. It turned out better for it. So the answer to this question is I followed where the characters lead me.
What time of year is yourBest time for writing? Winter, Summer, Fall, Spring?
Hmmm, I am going to go with Spring, Fall and Winter....and Summer. I think that a serious writer, never stops writing.
When looking for apublisher do you chose a traditional press, indie route, or one that does both,ebook and print?
When I began wishing for publication, I sought out traditional presses, because I didn't feel confident enough to self pub. Plus, I needed the publishing "nod" that I had something others wanted to take a risk on.
Thanks for checking out my answers this week. Be sure to hop on over to my buddy's blog to see how she answered these very same questions at Victoria Barbour
See you next week!