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People have asked me how do I come up with these series to write? 

When I wrote the Emergency Calls Series it was based on two things:  The first, my love for crazy weather situations.  I love storms and I'm fascinated by tornados and hurricanes.  One day while flipping through TV channels, I saw where a small creek in some town had received so much rain that it swelled into a river.  I remember thinking, "No way, can that much rain fall to make something like that happen.  But it did.  Fast forward 2-3 years later when my husband and I decided to take a romantic weekend trip to a charming small town in Indiana.  Little did we know that the town had just had a storm blow through it effectively flooding most of it and closing down all businesses.  Traffic had been redirected due to one of the bridges collapsing. Be sure to read the blog I did about that whole experience because it was unbelievable.  That night, while my husband and I tried to sleep, in our hotel room, that by the way, had no electrical power, I heard and saw this helicopter flying low back and forth to pick up stranded people in their high flooded areas.

The thought came to me to combine this bizzare experience and my love for crazy weather and tell the story from the rescue men/women and the fire department team's prespective.  That's how the series began.


In August or September, my first full length paranormal book called Love Encounters is released.  So far, this is the first book in the "Ghost Hunters" series.  When I decided to write this story, my intentions were to write an interracial romance and target one particular publisher who was looking for interracial romance stories.  As with every book, you need a plot, and you need to ask the questions that begins with "What if......"  I also have this wicked love of watching all kinds of ghost hunting shows and shows with pyschic mediums.  Then Voila, "What if I build this African American family who owned a Ghost hunting business and the owner hires a Caucasian male?"  That was my premise and I must say I had a lot of fun writing that one too.  I drew from some past experiences I had when I dated my husband and I'm in the process of writing book two in that series.


Next year I plan to start a B & B series called Serenity Bed-n-Breakfast.  It is very loosely outlined at this point. 

This idea came to me during a solo brain storming session while I had a conversation with one of my friends.  She happens to live in this beautiful mansion over looking a lake and on her grounds is a gorgeous inground pool, basekball court, racquet ball, volley ball, and on and on..."What if.....that place turned into a bed and breakfast location?"  I combine this thought with my love for cruising.  Voila, my new series.  The series will be about housing/employing people to help run the B&B, starting with an on staff medical doctor, A chef, lead construction guy and an event planner.


Last but not least, my goal is to polish up a 104,000 word unfinished manuscript for publication next year currently titled "Long Term Assignment".  This story came to me in a dream.  Honestly, when I awoke from that dream I remembered thinking "cool dream but I don't think it could ever work as a book.  I mean, how could it?"  I ran the idea by my writing chapter and they were completely on board that it could work.  I put together a couple of scenerios and stepped outside of my comfort zone and began writing this story about an undercover agent who is a championship wrestler (who happens to look just like John Cena.  Can you say INSPIRATION!).  This agent and his team's goal is to infiltrate the inside organization running the wrestling confederation and who is beyond dirty (illegal drugs, arms, laundering) but they've gotten to the point where the main character needs to round out his image and feels that a wife could help with that.

It's a crazy plot but I like it and some day, maybe you will too


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