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Summertime Fun

Hey Everyone!

Usually at my age, some women prepare to start slowing down in life. Not Me! I want to live like I’m in my 30’s (or maybe early to mid 40’s is more like it). I can’t push life to hard or else I might break something.

So here we go with the Five fun things I did this summer!

  1. I joined one band, two bands, THREE bands!I’ve been playing drums for all of them and I love it!There’s nothing like knowing that you and you alone control the major beat of any song!I’ve been playing a little bit of rock and a little bit of groovy tunes.As if that hasn’t been enough of stepping out of my shell, I do a little solo singing action for one of the bands as well.

  1. I planted a vegetable/fruit garden.I usually do this every summer but this year was a little different.My boys helped me lay a raised garden bed in the back yard and then helped me dump some of the really good dirt in it.I planted three different types of tomatoes, (cherry, Roma and beefsteak), Jalapeno and red hot salsa plants, a zucchini, an eggplant, onions and strawberries.They were oh so cute and small when I planted them in April I wasn’t even sure if I make them grow.I’ve never done an eggplant plant before and so I thought, why not try it?It seems that I totally under estimated my little garden because everything in it has grown to gigantic sizes.Oy!The Zucchini grew 4 feet tall but then became infested with those horrible squash bugs, that I eventually dug out the dead plant and only harvested one big zucchini.Then Tomato plants grew just as tall and is still growing.The mistake I made there is I didn’t cage them before they grew out of control.The eggplant is doing amazing!I made Eggplant parmesan last week!Lesson learned is to plant things farther apart, cage tomatoes at the baby stage, DON’T plant zucchini or give it its own garden bed.

  2. Online dating.While it’s beeninteresting and fun to “shop” it’s really a pain in the butt to follow through on any of it.I’m glad for the experience though because it is giving me some great ideas for upcoming books and believe me- I’m taking notes!

  1. A dear friend of mine, Sandy, has made a movie last year based on her daughter who has Alopecia and the movie has been successful in all of it’s showing across the united states.Sandy is now making a TV pilot show for a reality series she plans to pitch to the networks soon.This summer, Sandy allowed me to help with the pilot behind the scenes and it was a blast.I had the chance to make new friends with quite a few celebrities and hang out with all of them for part of my summer.

  1. I participated in two really cool book signings, Writers on The River which is held every year in Peoria, IL.There I got the chance to rub elbow with some great authors both male and female and several NY Times Best-selling authors.I even got dipped by a hot and hunky book cover model.What a great sport Eric Jacob is!The other book signing was here in Indianapolis in my own stomping grounds.I had a blast there as well.

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